Manuscripts must be prepared carefully on either 2 or 4 pages according to the instructions below.
Refer to the attached sample article for style and format.
The manuscripts would be reviewed, and might be requested to be revised if necessary.
As explained on the Abstract Submission page on our website, one presentation is requested to pay 10,000JPY for the publication of “Peptide Science 2008”, the proceedings and 50 copies of reprint. Presenters are requested to pay the charge for each presentation at the registration desk in the symposium, when you submit the manuscript and the materials for the proceedings.
Materials to be submitted
- CD-R (or 3.5-inch floppy disk) containing manuscripts of proceedings and keyword lists
- Hard copy (one original and two copies)
- Copyright Transfer document
Submission place and time
- Place: Proceedings Submission Desk in the Registration Area
- Time: 09:00, Wed. Oct.29 - 12:00, Fri. Oct.31, 2008
- Deadline: 12:00, Fri. Oct.31, 2008
1. Electronic Submission (CD-R)
Submit the manuscript saved on a CD-R (or 3.5-inch floppy disk), together with the corresponding hard copy.
The file-name should include the abstract number designated by the Secretariat and the family name of the first author:
Examples: O-77-smith.doc
2. Typing
Type on high-quality A4 white paper with margins set as follows:
Top margin 2.5 cm
Bottom margin 3.0 cm
Left margin 2.5 cm
Right margin 2.5 cm
The window for your typing is thus within a boundary 24.2 cm in height and 16.0 cm in width.
Manuscripts should be typed with Microsoft Word (Word 97/2000), or higher versions on PC or Macintosh computers and save as .doc file.
3. Length
Prepare a 2- or 4-page manuscript ready for photo-offset reproduction.
The length of the 2- and 4-page articles should be no less and no more than 2 and 4 pages, respectively, including Tables and Figures.
- Page-numbering for Hard Copies
Write the Page Number in pencil at the bottom right-hand corner of the hard copy of the manuscript. Also, write the Presentation Number in pencil at the top left-hand corner of the first page of the hard copy of the manuscript.
4. Style
Use Times New Roman font.
- Title
- Leave 7 lines from the top with exactly 13 pt line spacing. Type the title in 18 pt bold, and with line spacing fixed exactly at 18 pt. Center the title on the page. Use upper case only for the first letter of each word, except for all prepositions and articles. Leave 2 lines with a line spacing exactly at 13 pt.
- Authors
- Type the full name of authors in bold and center on the page. When authors are from more than two different institutions, specify each author's affiliation by using superscript numbers 1, 2, 3, etc at the last letter of the last name. Leave 1 line with a line spacing of exactly 13 pt.
- Affiliation(s)
- Type in italics all the institutions to which the authors belong. Use superscript numbers 1, 2, 3, etc (for example, 1Laboratory of ---, 2Institute of ---) on the first letter of the first word indicating each institution. The address for each institution should be complete, including the city name with zip or postal code, state, and country. Center on the page.
- E-mail address
- On the next line of Affiliations, the e-mail address of the presenting author should be given in bold. Center, and leave 1 line of 13 pt line spacing.
- Summary
- The summary should be given in 5 to 7 lines of 12 pt italics. Words such as species・names that are originally in italics should be converted to plain font (without italics). Indent 1.0 cm at both right and left sides. No further indent of the first line. Center justify. Leave 2 lines of 13 pt line spacing.
- Keywords
- Select up to 5 keywords used in the text. Type keywords alphabetically in 12 pt under the heading keywords.
- Text
- The text should include the following sections:
Introduction Results and Discussion Acknowledgements (if appropriate) References
Use 13 pt headings in bold, and leave one line space between the preceding text and heading. Do not leave any space between the heading and the text that follows. Indent the first line by 1.25 cm at the beginning of each paragraph. The text should be center justified.
- References
- References should follow the numerical system starting with reference No. 1, indicated as [1] in the text. The layout style for citing journal and book references should conform with those in the sample PDF file. Citation of articles "in preparation" or "submitted for publication" is not permitted in the reference list.
5. Tables
Tables should be typed directly in the text, and if possible, placed at the top or bottom of the page. Leave 2 lines with 13 pt line spacing for the text following. Tables should be preceded by a caption.
- Caption
- Type in 13 pt italics. The caption should be placed above the Table and left justified.
- Table contents
- Type in 11-13 pt font to fill the space appropriately.
- Notes
- Type in 10 pt font plain text outside the table at the bottom.
6. Figures
Figures of original black and white work should be mounted directly in the text or embedded in the text file and, if possible, placed at the top or bottom of the pages. No color figures are possible. Leave 2 lines with 13 pt line spacing for the text following.
- Legends
- Type directly in the text with 13 pt italics. Legends should be centered beneath the figure.
7. Copyright Transfer
Complete the Copyright Transfer document, and submit to the Proceedings Submission Desk in the Registration Area together with CD and hard copy of your manuscript.